Elifraf Services Around Your Project

A team of skilled and experienced engineers, equipped with state-of-the-art computer hardware and specialised programs for design and static calculations, provide planning services in all stages of the project, quotation, internal fabrication and preparation of the foundation and civil works on site.
ELIFRAF racking systems can be designed to meet the latest requirements of the applicable Internation Building Code (IBC) in regard of seismic considerations, snow and wind loads. Furthermore, ELIFRAF can provide static calculations (at additional cost) or supply static calculations which the customer may need for inspection and approval by local authorities, as a paper print or in digital formats.

ELIFRAF offers complete assembly and installation services on site, without the ifs and buts which customers often experience with “supervisory assemblies” or risks when the customer executes this critical job by themselves.
A qualified ELIFRAF installation crew, assisted by helpers provided by the customer, erect the curing rack including ass accessories like rails, insulation walls and housing accoring to the individual design of the project, in shortest time and at an unbeatable competitive cost level.
As a special design of the rack structure allows a pre-assembly of rack element groups on sute, the usage of motor cranes and other lifting equipment make the assemby easy, comfortable and fast.
Repair & Maintenance

ELIFRAF provides services on fair conditions not only to own curing racks, but also to equipment of all other brands and in all regions, worldwide. Long-termed experience also in critical environment and location based cost advantages, which are growing with the share of the labor related to the total project volume, make ELIFRAF also to be the better choice in service jobs.
Amendment, upgrading and relocation
During the life-time of a curing rack (which can easily be longer than the life-time of the mechanical production equipment in a plant), very often situations occur, where the curing rack needs to be amended, for example, if the total capacity of the plant will be increased by another shift per day, or new products need longer curing time, for example products with after treatment processes.
Even the relocation of the complete rack – for example if the plant is sold as second hand or the factory needs to be moved to another place – can have economic advantages, if the labor cost are in a reasonable relation with the cost of the material to be relocated.